The last year has caused me to re-evaluate my life in so many ways, from my relationships (friendships, family, love), to my health, my goals, and what I really want out of life that it was almost too much to share. However, I decided to go with it and see where I landed.
I had been a part of a WE for over four years and then before that for over four years and well you get the idea. Although I had my single times, the majority of my dating life has been spent in relationships. We could talk at length about the positives and negatives of this but I've explored that, meditated on it and arrived to where I am today; being me, myself and I. When you first become just you again, well it can stop you in your tracks. And make you pull back and think, but wait, who indeed am I? What is it that I want? It's quite startling but can be incredibly exciting too!
Things I know about myself that have not changed over the last 10 years; I care deeply about food and what I put in and on my body, I want to help people discover the best version of themselves, I love my friends and family very deeply, I crave travel and all that that means, I love eating vegetables in massive quantities and I want (one day) to get married and have babies. I'm sure there are more things but outlining like that sometimes helps me know that I'm not this lost soul but more that I'm a person with so much gratitude for all the things that I've been blessed to have and all of the experiences that have led me here today.
Then there are times, where it is honestly is just hard. You're on this path that you didn't really think you'd ever be on and you're having all of these new experiences but the most important thing I've found is to stay true to what you want, be upfront with yourself and never be afraid to grow.

Action step:
Journal, apply release and Palo Santo often and be grateful for every minute.
with light and love,