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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Veggie Chat

Good afternoon everyone! Hopefully we can combat the Monday blues! I have been trying to write this blog for over a week and I'm determined to get it in today (yeah definitely published this on Thursday...). As we know all vegetables are amazing but I wanted to let everyone know about some that are extra amazing, at least when fighting (cue scary horror music in background) cancer! Below is a list of cruciferous vegetables, known as such because their flowers have four equally spaced petals in the shape of a cross. But enough about their looks the exciting part is their insides! All vegetables contain micro nutrients and phytochemicals, but these guys also have sulfur containing compounds. (normally when I think of sulfur i think of those terrible smelling yellow nuggets in high school chem class!-but that doesn't apply to these vegetables!) When you blend or chop the vegetables the sulfur compounds to isothiocyanates (ITCs) which are compounds with proven anti-cancer activities. These compounds remove carcinogens, kill cancer cells, and some have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, or immunologic effects (helps your immune system function better). There is so much more information on these but I figure this will due for now. Let me know if you'd like more! Below is a list of the veggies that are in this category.

List of cruciferous vegetables:
•    Arugula
•    Bok choy
•    Broccoli
•    Broccoli rabe
•    Broccolini
•    Brussels sprouts
•    Cabbage
•    Cauliflower
•    Collards
•    Horseradish
•    Kale
•    Kohlrabi
•    Mache
•    Mustard greens
•    Radish
•    Red cabbage
•    Rutabaga
•    Turnips
•    Turnip greens
•    Watercress

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