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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday.....Dairy Explanation day#1

Hi everyone! Well I've been attacked the last two weeks about, 'how can you cut out dairy? don't you need calcium? don't you need protein?' to which I must explain that I don't need dairy products to get either of these things. This is one of the most frustrating things to discuss, many people understand the reducing of meat but most just can't wrap their brain around the absence of dairy. Not only has dairy been proven to increase your risk of cancer (more on that further down), it actually doesn't have as much calcium as we all think and has actually been thought to leech calcium from your bones and teeth!

Calcium Milligrams (per 100-gram serving)
Whole milk-118
Collard greens-203
Sesame seeds-1,160
Hikiki sea vegetable-1,400

So just by viewing that chart we see that dairy products really don't contain as much calcium as well all think! Here are a few highlights about dairy and it's possible evils:

Milk is simply not made for your body:
Our bodies are not meant to consume any milk except our mother's and only when we're babies-think about it we drink milk during this time in our lives to initiate growth. Baby cows drink cows milk in order to turn into a 400 pound cow, is that what you're looking to do? When we consume milk as babies we're just being ask to grow, not to run around, think, make a living, anything except grow. Milk is high in protein and fat but low in carbs and devoid of fiber, similar to frozen yogurt which basically is designed to turn you into a fat, slow, docile cow. We are the only animal to consume milk past childhood, most animals instinctively know to stop drinking it, they no long need it. Past childhood most people stop producing the enzyme lactase which is needed to digest lactose (the sugar in milk).

Dairy can cause cancer and other assorted diseases:
The biggest factors in breast cancer are fat, animal protein and excess estrogen. Milking cows are actually pumped full of extra estrogen to make them lactate, constantly (that in and of itself isn't natural or fun!), dairy is the best way to get all three factors in breast cancer. Cows are injected with bovine growth hormone and have a higher level of naturally occurring hormones called IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor-1), which is also connected to tumor growth. Dairy can also cause or irritate further kidney stones, Crohn's disease, allergies, eczema, asthma, arthritis, inflammation and zits.

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