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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eggs-what do to?

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine wasn’t too bad but involved some weird food issues. I think it was from eating too much since it happened after several things, such as this amazing brunch that I had (heavy {compared to my usual consumption} on the tofu and soy), my dinner which was some wheat pasta and green beans and my dinner last night which was white (I know the horrors) pasta with broccoli, olive oil and garlic. So I’m unsure of what it could be, wheat was in everything I ate this weekend, it’s possible my body was just annoyed at the larger than usual quantity of it? It’s also possible I just had too much food at once, a clear possibility on the weekend actually. I think I will try limiting further my consumption of wheat, whenever I have brown rice pasta this stuff never happens; I feel light and happy! I was tested for celiac a few years ago when my sister was diagnosed but that test result was a big fat negative. Basically my stomach got hugely bloated, I was feverish, achy stomach and couldn’t sleep, it was terrible. So I'm thinking, limit the huge weekend eating and watch what happens as it could have just been that and not the gluten issue (I think I'm trained to think of gluten as a serious culprit due to my sister's diagnosis!)

Second topic for today’s blog is eggs! (Hence the title) I have to say there are two things that I miss in regards to being a vegan; eggs and CHEESE. Like honestly cheese is incredible but I have just read too many things about what is really in it and how badly it can effect our bodies that I just couldn’t go back, there would be no way (I never say never but I'm thinking I won't, unless of course I'm raising my own cows and then we can discuss). Not to mention the horrible animal cruelty associated with it all! However, with eggs, I would never eat the conventional eggs, the ones I have no idea where they are coming from or what kind of torture the poor hens endure and what antibiotics/growth hormones the poor animals are fed but I would think about it if I knew where the eggs were coming from, for real, not just trusting the government because as we know they aren’t to be trusted when it comes to our food. So those are my thoughts this morning as I see people eating egg white sandwiches with spinach or an egg white omelet with broccoli, garlic, peppers, oh the list goes on!

As part of my thinking I began some research to see what I could find out about true organic eggs. The first link at the bottom is a great article regarding whether organic eggs are actually organic. The second is a study done by a non-profit that rates different organic eggs based on quite a bit of criteria! I found one brand I could get in Whole Foods that I MIGHT consider, or use when absolutely necessary; Vital Farms in Austin Texas. Take a look at the survey and the results and let me know what you think!

In a 2007 egg-testing project, Mother Earth News compared the official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs with eggs from hens raised on pasture and found that the latter typically contains:
  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • 3 times more vitamin E
  • 7 times more beta carotene
The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free ranging, pastured hens and commercially farmed hens.”

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