My Blog is a place where I share information about nutrition, health and wellness, and sometimes just daily life! Hope you enjoy!

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Oola for Women Challenge Day #4

Oola for Women Challenge Day #4!! I cried when I read this challenge, not that it takes a lot for me to cry (folgers commercials anyone?!) but this one struck home for me. First, this challenge is about Field, maybe it's not your field, but all of us know a Stay-At-Home mom. There continues to be negative thoughts surrounding what a stay at home mom does all day (even if you'd think by these days this would be a moot point, not the case!), even for those that know one or more of them! Stay at home moms often get asked, 'what do you do all day?' or 'don't you miss working?' or 'wow, you get to stay home all day that must not be that hard!' However, most of us that know a stay-at-home mom, have been one, have been raised by one or are close with one know that it can honestly be one of the most difficult and stressful jobs out there. But with that stress and difficulties comes the amazing and rewarding responsibility of shaping your child's life in a way they never forget. My mother was a stay-at-home mom for a time after she's left her job as a VP at Citibank, a decision that my dad and her came to after evaluating each of their jobs at the time and which made the most sense to leave. It was never a 'the woman will stay home' thing, it was a financial and career driven decision (which I ALWAYS appreciated as it showed what a progressive and feminist household I had the privilege of growing up in). -cue more tears as I type this :)

So today's official challenge is to acknowledge and appreciate a stay-at-home mom! I actually want to throw dad's in here too, because there are an ever growing number of stay at home dad's that have their own set of struggles as well. For this challenge, I called my mother again and told her how thankful I was for everything she did for my sister and I while we were growing up, we would not be the women we are today without her (and obviously dad too!). So maybe she isn't a current stay-at-home mom since my sister and I are long out of the house but she truly shaped our childhood in so many ways. I have such vivid memories of when we'd all be playing outside and my mother was inside working; whether that was making sure we had food to eat or clothing to wear or a clean house to live in, she made it happen!

Because this challenge was such an emotional one I felt I needed some Dragontime to combat the tears-I guess I thought my hormones were a little off? :)

Who did you reach out to today? And what oil did you use while doing it?

#OolaforWomen Challenge 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Oola for Women Challenge Day #3

Day #3 of the Oola for Women Challenge! Each day brings a new challenge, not just with the Oola for Women Challenge but with life, with time management, with, well....everything. Some days there just isn't very much that is easy. Each day on this challenge I'm forced to stop and think about some Oola aspect of my life, and this has been helpful albeit hard. It helps me take time out of my day and really focus on the important things in life and not the small details that get in the way sometimes. 

Today's challenge was about the F in Family. Often women give their complete and utter all to those they are in a relationship with, to their parents, to their children and tend to forget about themselves. It's important to keep the relationship with yourself healthy too! The challenge puts it so perfectly, "We go, go, go and do, do, do for all the people and responsibilities we have in our lives that it sometimes becomes easy to get caught up in all of these relationships, spread ourselves thing and feel a little disconnected." So the actual challenge for today is to take time to connect and enjoy each other's company. In other words think about a relationship you've let slide or someone that might need you to reach out a little more or that coffee date you've been meaning to have and GO OUT AND HAVE IT! Reconnect, you'll feel great and so will they! I have been meaning to call my mother the last few days and so that was my way to reconnect to a relationship. (Not that it had been very long since we spoke but we used to talk everyday :) 

While completing this challenge I put on some joy, because literally it makes me feel joyous and speaking to my family often makes me feel joyous! 

Who did you reconnect with? And what oil did you use while doing it? 

#OolaforWomen Challenge 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Oola for Women Challenge Day #2

Day #2 of the Oola for Women Challenge! When I first read this challenge I didn't want to face it as it's hands down my #1 stressor right now, to learn something new about money. This challenge plays into the Finance aspect of the 7 F's of Oola and is of course important but I'd really like to not deal with finance! School loans have put the damper on my financial situation that I will one day be out of but for now it's a bit hard to see the light! Which means I need to focus some good energy on it all and complete this challenge. 

So this helped me dive a bit deeper into my financial situation. I learned from a very good friend of mine that within the feng shui way of thinking having your money all over your apartment can actually literally cause your money to be everywhere, and not organized at all! So I hadn't heard this theory before but it really hit home for me and for some reason it seemed to make a lot of sense! I am going to try to clean up all my change that is haphazardly laid around the apartment and put it in one central place-that will help me feel more organized if nothing else! This same friend also pointed out that by not dealing with my money head on as I used to (I keep a really organized bills spreadsheet!) I was adding to my anxiety level. So with this (seemingly obvious) aspect of financial health I loaded up my spreadsheet again and got everything organized, the relief was palpable! So these are the two aspects of finance I looked at, nothing super hardcore like understanding deep economic principles but I felt better after looking deeper at both of these aspects and that was the challenge, to feel better! 

While working on this challenge I had to use copious amounts of lavender to keep my heart rate under control and my anxiety from taking over as financial situations will often do this to me. 

What financial aspect did you learn about? And what oil did you use while doing it? 

#OolaforWomen Challenge 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Oola for Women Challenge Day #1

Day #1 of the Oola for Women Challenge! It has taken me a bit of time to get started on this challenge as I was dealing with a lot right when I returned from Utah, but in reality when are most of us not dealing with a lot? So today begins the Oola challenge, because who doesn't want to feel more positive and be more at peace? The challenge today is to walk or run for 7 minutes and during those 7 minutes come up with 7 things that you love most about yourself. I read this challenge and couldn't be happier to complete it as I love to run and I know that it might help to look at the positives about myself. Here are the positives I came up with (this was much harder than I thought it was going to be when I first read the challenge!)

1) I am able to run faster miles then ever before thanks for my essential oils and food habits so I love that I opened my mind to learning new things about health and wellness 
2) I try my best to help as many people as possible
3) I want to help everyone in the world! 
4) I care about animals and try to save as many as possible 
5) I try to remember that simply because I'm grateful for all I have doesn't mean I have to feel guilty about it!
6) I am kind to others 
7) I try to love with all of my heart 

After typing these out, I honestly wish I had better things to say about myself. I think that this was the point of this exercise, to take a deeper look at what is good within yourself and what you can improve. As I mention all over my social media I use peppermint oil constantly for staying awake and refreshed and as well as before every workout without fail. For this challenge this was no exception! Looking forward to the next challenge! 

#OolaforWomen Challenge 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

OOLA Women!

Hi everyone! I just got back from Young Living International Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah! There are so many things that went on over the days I spent in Utah I could break up this blog into 5 or more pieces! So for now we'll start with a challenge I want to complete. 

I was lucky enough to see some of my favorite people ever speak at convention, Dr. Dave (the OolaSeeker) and Dr. Troy (the OolaGuru). I first read their International Best Selling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World about a year ago and it really pointed out the aspects of what in my life was unbalanced. The word oola stems from the world Ooh LaLa, which is a flippant way to express surprise and excitement! Oo-la is defined as that state of awesomeness. It is when your life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life - the 7 F's of Oola (fitness, finance, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun).  


The OolaGuys are on a mission to change the world with a word (#Oola) by collecting 1,000,000 dreams in the form of handwritten stickers on the side of a vintage 1970 VW Surf Bus.  They guys promote that by removing the stress from life (especially when you're out of balance as many of us are) you can reveal the greatness and purpose that is inside all of us. This can lead to a better you which makes for a better family, a better community and therefore a better world. 

So now to go on and talk about the actual free 21-day #OolaforWomen Challenge! The free challenge is designed to spur positive action in your life and inspire and empower women to achieve a life of less stress and more balance. The challenge is 21 days of mini challenges that are sent to your email every morning. These might help you do things you never thought you'd do which means you might have to up your courage level!



  • A graphic and motivational quote to inspire.
  • A detailed challenge to complete for the day.

So to end this post, I'm going to be posting everyday of how I completed the challenge of the day and what kind of changes I've been noticing by doing this! I will also share each oil that I use during each challenge. I'm hoping by posting my daily challenge that people will find some inspiration in doing this with me! 

#OolaforWomen Challenge 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Spring Cleaning!

Normally I honestly dislike spring cleaning, the words, the concept, the 'it's spring, who cares about cleaning right now?! let's get outside!' but as I've started using my Thieves cleaner in earnest I couldn't be more excited about spring cleaning. Even as I type those words I'm like, 'really?' but yes REALLY! So I thought why not share this excitement on my blog as well as sharing the product that makes me so excited about what I used to think of as a tedious process!

We had my sister's bridal shower last month and as a favor we gave away this adorable little cleaner bottle with a capful of Thieves cleaner and water. I had used my Thieves cleaner before but not consistently (why I have no idea!) but this little bottle helped me rediscover the excitement and just how well this product cleans without containing any toxic chemicals. I often clean my cutting board, my sink, my counters, glass coffee table and mirrors-really everything! Everyone who received the bottle has only raved about it's contents, even people who have no idea what Thieves cleaner is!

Every time I use my Thieves I wish people could use this spray and enjoy it the way I do. So here I am discussing it, in hopes that people reach out and we can chat about it. I didn't know you could use 1 cleaner, with no toxic chemicals, for everything!!

Here's to everyone enjoying a lovely session of spring cleaning and beyond!

To learn more about essential oils or Thieves cleaner head over to my website and we can connect!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Fat People's Club

While cleaning out the guest room at my parents house a few weekends ago I discovered a lot of my writing from my teenage years. There was a collection of book reports, my college application essays and recommendations from teachers as well as several diary entries that somehow ended up on loose-leaf to be found all these years later. One such piece of paper really stuck out for me that day, the one titled The Fat People’s Club. I was immediately drawn to this one as I had been an overweight preteen and teenager, until about the end of sophomore year of high school but since have mostly maintained a thinner physique with struggles back and forth of course. I currently help people, many who are very overweight, by looking at the emotional side of things, the ‘why am I eating this?’ aspect. This is challenging no matter what your background and despite having been on a weight loss journey myself it can be difficult to relate everyday with those struggling. I often forget the pain that is associated with being so overweight, the looks people give, the thoughts others have about you (whether imagined or not) and just the general self loathing you have underneath it all (at least for me).

So when I found this piece of paper with such a title I thought, ‘would there be way to rediscover what I’d been feeling at that time of being so overweight? A way to reconnect with my ‘inner fat girl’ in order to understand my clients better?’ I am including the entire thing that I typed up so you can read it, see what I was going through. Although standing up for myself and others in my position, you can see the pain in each line, the sadness that surrounded being ostracized for my size and just the general disgust that people felt for me, simply because I was overweight. I even found on the back different ideas of comebacks for when people asked me if the scale had broken yet but we’ll save those for another time. This was also written as if I’d called a large assembly and was on stage telling people the story, almost a PSA (way before we knew what that term was). Also keep in mind my age when I wrote this :) I also included a few pictures of my fat stages, please keep in mind late 90’s :)

The Fat People’s Club

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have gathered you here today for one reason and one reason only. We want it to stop. Some of you may be asking, “stop what?” Well you know, the laughing behind our backs that stops when we turn around. The whispering about how he or she’s so fat that she barely fits through the door. The looks, the mean menacing looks that make you want to cry. The eyes; when we look to see where the laughter is coming from and we see your eyes filled with mockery and laughter, conveying ‘eww they are so fat.’ How would you like it if, god forbid, you thin people became fat for a day, how would you like the laughter, the mockery, and the whispers? How would you like it?! Do you actually think us fat people like being made fun of? Some of you must have been made fun of once in your lifetime? Didn’t it hurt? Well, try getting hurt like that everyday! Would you like getting made fun of because you're stupid or fat, would you? We want it to stop. It’s not fair. We don’t deserve it, no one does. Don’t we deserve to be loved too? To be able to walk down the hall without someone laughing at us or thinking ‘they are so fat!’ don’t we deserve that or do only thin people get that courtesy? Don’t we?! I’d just like you to all think about what I've just said, maybe it will change your attitude.

I also found some really in-depth quotes I had written, some that seemed far beyond my years. I included one such quote, another that leans into the pain I must have been feeling.

"People can be cruel, especially the people that are so ignorant that they criticize someone else because they are different than themselves. When in fact, we are all different from each other." February 7th, 1999