Oola for Women Challenge Day #4!! I cried when I read this challenge, not that it takes a lot for me to cry (folgers commercials anyone?!) but this one struck home for me. First, this challenge is about Field, maybe it's not your field, but all of us know a Stay-At-Home mom. There continues to be negative thoughts surrounding what a stay at home mom does all day (even if you'd think by these days this would be a moot point, not the case!), even for those that know one or more of them! Stay at home moms often get asked, 'what do you do all day?' or 'don't you miss working?' or 'wow, you get to stay home all day that must not be that hard!' However, most of us that know a stay-at-home mom, have been one, have been raised by one or are close with one know that it can honestly be one of the most difficult and stressful jobs out there. But with that stress and difficulties comes the amazing and rewarding responsibility of shaping your child's life in a way they never forget. My mother was a stay-at-home mom for a time after she's left her job as a VP at Citibank, a decision that my dad and her came to after evaluating each of their jobs at the time and which made the most sense to leave. It was never a 'the woman will stay home' thing, it was a financial and career driven decision (which I ALWAYS appreciated as it showed what a progressive and feminist household I had the privilege of growing up in). -cue more tears as I type this :)

So today's official challenge is to acknowledge and appreciate a stay-at-home mom! I actually want to throw dad's in here too, because there are an ever growing number of stay at home dad's that have their own set of struggles as well. For this challenge, I called my mother again and told her how thankful I was for everything she did for my sister and I while we were growing up, we would not be the women we are today without her (and obviously dad too!). So maybe she isn't a current stay-at-home mom since my sister and I are long out of the house but she truly shaped our childhood in so many ways. I have such vivid memories of when we'd all be playing outside and my mother was inside working; whether that was making sure we had food to eat or clothing to wear or a clean house to live in, she made it happen!
Because this challenge was such an emotional one I felt I needed some Dragontime to combat the tears-I guess I thought my hormones were a little off? :)
Who did you reach out to today? And what oil did you use while doing it?
#OolaforWomen Challenge
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