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Thursday, April 5, 2012

What inspires us?

I have decided, based on a wonderful friend's recommendation, to write what I am inspired by. I had to think about this though, because unfortunately it's not every day that I am inspired by something. I think it would be great to live a life where something inspires you every single day, maybe that will be my new goal. For now, today what has inspired me are the great workouts I have been having and the idea of Israeli breakfasts twice a month at work! I shall explain.

Well the workouts part is pretty self explanatory; I have been back on track! Not only working out every day as I should be but actually running more than a mile! It is hard to believe that last year at this time I had just run a half marathon, but never mind that, I’m working my way back and training for the 4 mile race I have on June 3rd and the 10K I have on June 9th! I can and will run these races!  

As for the Israeli breakfasts twice a month, this was a great idea thought up by my co-worker who has a sister in Tel Aviv (AMAZING!) and brought in this morning Israeli pita straight from the holy land! We were discussing how much we missed the food in Israel, especially the breakfasts! For breakfast it’s usually Israeli salad (pictured below), hummus, pita, other assorted vegetables, chopped salads, shashuka (although that is eggs so I will not be having any of that), Israeli Nutella (can’t remember that name) and other amazing things. So those are my two inspiring things for today, hopefully as the day goes on I will find more and more things to be inspired by.

I should actually post my Passover Seder recipes and of course pictures of the finished products, I will try next week!

Hag Samech! (Happy Holiday)